Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mind game

If you love something let it go,
If it comes back to you it's yours,
If it doesn't,it never was.

I had a dream, a dream that was totally unexpected. 2 days straight. First dream was absolutely embarrassing. A scene somewhere, I was bathing, need someone to hold the door as the door was spoil. I shall call him S. 'S' friend was holding the door for me and he was peeping, suddenly i shouted for S, he came and say" let me hold the door for her", and he suddenly stop and say Wow, I mean opps, sorry b i accccccidentally.. blush. Cute kan? I told him and he was like, why doesn't it happen in reality, go and sleep, continue your dream. hahas. The second dream was about HAFFIZ, malas lah ehq nak cite. He wasted quater chapter of my life, and shall not exist.