Monday, September 7, 2009


*Wow,its been along time since i update my blog. No reason..opps..lazy. i privatised my blog due to unwanted reasons that i just can't tell. well, recently there's been argument between me & ♥. My friends have been saying that im too obssesed with ♥ that i have no time for them.
Maybe is true.That's why i've been staying away from ♥ eventhough i miss texting him. Well we sort it out already.Since the text between ♥ & that someone we shall not speak off, Ive been wondering & frightening
myself. seeking all the consequences that may came true.Just hope for the best.

*Azmi, my so call forgotten childhood friend asked me to teach him. The funny thing is, im not even certified. HAHA.But i try my best to help.Wanna see his music video. So jiwang. his the one wearing the blue shirt.
Enjoy laughing.

Shrek maybe out of tune!