I'm so bored, 70 days to go to O level & I'm still procasinating.
What the hell happen to me.
Yesterday, i meet up with wan, then bonch arrived.
Talked, i don't know.
Is like wan, his different in a way,
he doesn't like to have a women pillion,
he doesn't owned an extra helmet,
but the way he speak is so cute,
like turtle. Idk how to describe anymore.
Yes lately, there's alot of guy in my life.
Well, is good that someone observe that.
& I'm not so desperate.
Like my bro always says" Buto Miskin"
haha, stupid Mat.
Furthermore, whoever who read my blog,
I welcome you to read and i dont want you to come and tell me what to post or
what should i post.
for the girls,
Sorry Eqah doesnt steal or date boyfriend orang,
not my taste, if i do,
just as friends.
If you are scared that i might took yours,
keep him, lock in your room,
or might as well handcuff him.
My blog,my say.
I forgotten my past, and I shall start fresh now.